Recent content by Dipper

  1. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    Update: Black algae is under control, pool looks great. Thank you forum.
  2. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    Thank you. OK, I will try to sample the micro spots. The pool looks much better - it used to look like a Dalmation a week ago. Still failing overnight FC test -third time. Dropped 5 ppm in 7 hours at night. Keep brushing, vacuuming, cleaning filter, SLAMing, etc. Have been aiming for 20 on the...
  3. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    Thank you. Yes, I am having trouble with a big body of water that I only enjoy the 3 most miserable hot months out of the year. But I am committed to keeping the pool balanced and sanitary until or if I do something different. Here are some pictures: Overall pool: Main drain and light...
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  7. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    No worries. At 11:45 pm I had a 15 ppm reading. I added one gallon of 10% bleach and got FC of 21 ppm at 1:00 am. CC is 0.5. I will permanently close the pool if I have to do mustard levels! I drained the pool to get the CYA down so it would be overall less chlorine to treat the black algae...
  8. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    DUH! I'll add more chlorine tonight and try to stay up longer to get a peak FC reading. Try to stay above 16 or so. The light niche has metal and plaster and no algae. The light is on the coping and the niche is open to FC. Same with the niche for the closed main drain. No ladders, etc. Will...
  9. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    Continued. I filled the pool and I've brushed the pool by hand with the stainless steel brushes using scuba equipment. One can see plaster, dirt and algae much better up close. Plaster looks white from above. I've been SLAMing and running filter 24/7. After hosing down the cart filter a couple...
  10. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    OK. I cleaned the filter but when is it a good idea to do the dishwasher cleaning? I will SLAM and do Overnight tests.
  11. Dipper

    Black algae treatment in progress - strategy help needed.

    I'm in the process of treating a black algae infestation. I've been lax and lucky for the previous 6 summers but lost this year to black algae and am now a convert to TFP methods and test kits. Thank you for being here. I've read everything I can on this site about black algae and think I...