Recent content by Dejavu21

  1. Dejavu21

    2 Speed pump to single speed (wiring question)

    My motor went out and I am switching from a dual speed to a single speed. I'm wondering if someone can tell me what wiring in the panel to disconnect? I know it's wired for 2 speed and needs to be changed for single speed?
  2. Dejavu21

    What to do while pump is broke?

    Sounds like a few days of physical labor. Good job for the kids! Thanks all
  3. Dejavu21

    What to do while pump is broke?

    Hi all, I live north of Houston, so as you might have heard, we've had some rain. I did not flood but when we get a lot of rain I get a lot of rain water in my pool. So, currently I have a greenish pool and Thursday night my pool pump made a humming noise and quit after 5 seconds. I changed...
  4. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    UPDATE - Ok, so yesterday the water was Crystal Clear, I see no signs of Algae and the FC did not drop more than 1ppm overnight and CC is 0, PH is 7.6. Yesterday morning the FC was down to 22 ppm and after a bright warm sunny day yesterday, this morning's FC was still 22 ppm. Is this normal...
  5. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    Actually, now that the sun is out, it's still a bit hazy, not crystal clear. I assume this is due to a high PH and other factors. Should I be concerned that not all the algae is gone even though I passed the OTLC test?
  6. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    Yes, water is very clear. Probably could use another brush/vacuum. But looks great.
  7. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    Ok, passed the OCLT test. Should I wait until the Chlorine levels are back to daily normal levels before adjusting PH, etc. since PH and TA can get outta whack during the slam?
  8. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    One more question, i got the FC up too 39-40 on Sunday. When I tested after sundown last night it was 39. This morning it was 36. My question is, Since I am already above shock level do I leave as is and retest after sundown tonight and see if it has dropped more than 1ppm tomorrow morning...
  9. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    Thank you, much appreciated!
  10. Dejavu21

    SLAM - TA Rising a bit (The Woodlands, Texas)

    Guys, I started getting the pool ready last week after being out of town a week and coming back to a green pool. I started by getting the PH down and began slamming yesterday. I added some CH to get it up as well yesterday. Below are the numbers for the last few days. Since FC is 16...
  11. Dejavu21

    HELP, Pool is too warm here in Texas! Can it be cooled without a chiller?

    Ok, I thought I would give everyone an update on if my pool fountains worked. I started closed 3 of the 6 returns and left 1 open while running the two fountains. I ran my pump on high (had a PSI of 22) and the water actually was shooting out about 4 feet (further than the pics below on...
  12. Dejavu21

    Floating Chlorinater Question? CYA Problem.

    Thanks ATT. I may move to the liquid and get rid of the pucks. When i went through "Pool School" 4 years ago after the builder finished he pool, he said 3" pucks and a granular chlorine each week.
  13. Dejavu21

    Floating Chlorinater Question? CYA Problem.

    Domct203, yes I use the 3" tabs in the Chlorine feeder (which is stuck). I used my new TF-100 and also went to Leslies Pools to have them verify. Did i read earlier that most people dont use the tabs? - - - Updated - - - Liquid Bleach? Hmmm, i've never heard of that. Do you use that with...
  14. Dejavu21

    Floating Chlorinater Question? CYA Problem.

    So, recently my Chlorinater Lid became stuck and I cannot remove, therefore I bought one of the floating chlorinaters until i can get it repaired. I've had it in a little over a week and now my CYA is 150. Could this be the cause of the CYA rise? Anyone have any concerns about these floaters?