Recent content by debjan

  1. D

    HELP! Just converted.....need a little help

    So I keep forgetting what CYA is exactly. I went to Walmart to find some, thinking I need to look for something that has CYA, cyanuric acid, written on the bottle somewhere. Then of course, once I'm there I see balancer, clarifer, stabilizer and think "which one is it?" I didn't write...
  2. D

    HELP! Just converted.....need a little help

    Wow! Thanks waterbear. I didn't know about explosions. Geez. They are definitely Cal-Hypo and I will put them into the skimmer with pump running 24/7. What goes into the floaters? And thanks pool guy won't be able to change the sand until next week 'sometime' so I'll keep the...
  3. D

    HELP! Just converted.....need a little help

    This morning's numbers are: FC 14 ppm; CC 1.5 ppm, PH 7.2 Should I continue to keep the FC level up and wait for CC to go down further before adding CYA? If so, what number of CC am I shooting for? Thank you! Deb
  4. D

    HELP! Just converted.....need a little help

    I just got done converting my pool water from Soft Swim to chlorine. Yeah! Now, I have no idea what to do. My numbers were at 12 noon: FC 7, CC 2.5, PH 7.2, CYA 0. I know I need to get CYA number up and CC down. I went to store thinking I needed Muriaic acid, but now realize that is for...
  5. D

    Stuck with Baquacil

    Don't have a heart attack! This is easy. I know, famous last words. I started my conversion last Tuesday night and by Sunday morning my FC held at 15 ppm overnight and my pool water was sparkeling clear. My total chlorine consumption was: 1 5gal jug of 12.5% chlorine and 17 jugs of 6%...
  6. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Tested FC this morning............15PPM!!!! It held! :-D Now that I can really see the bottom, I brushed off the walls of alittle stuff that I didn't catch yesterday, I'm going to put in my auto bug vacuum to work on the bottom stuff and vacuum through filter now, not waste, since I think...
  7. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Well, here it is day 4 and this morning I could just make out the bottom of the pool! OHG! I was so suprised! I started brushing my walls and I looked down and almost screamed! I see the bottom! It got alittle cloudy after finishing the walls, but cleared again after vacumming. This...
  8. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Okay, back on track. Water is translucent green this morning! I see that there is this yellow slim on the walls of inside the pool. Didn't know what that is. I'll brush the pool walls and vacuum to waste today. Just curious as to what that might be. Deb
  9. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Thanks, Jason. I tested FC again and its coming down, now 23 ppm (over 25 ppm last night) CC is 6 ppm and TA is 11 ppm. I didn't bother with PH as I've read that the FC should be under 10 to test for PH and I did have the PH at 7.2 before conversion. I think I'm good for now and will test FC...
  10. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Sooo, I put too much bleach in last night around 8:30 and checked my numbers at 10:30 before going to bed and FC was over 25 ppm. So of course, I didn't put more in. This morning my FC was over 16 ppm (I stopped there so's not to waste drops). Did I screw this up? Should I check any other...
  11. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Another question: In doing these tests every hour or two, can I just to the test for FC CC & PH and forget about the others for awhile? Maybe test the rest once a day? Also, I changed the setting on my filter from 'recirculate' to the regular setting running water through filter. :oops: Deb
  12. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Morn' I have a nice white creamy color going on, with chunks of stuff floating around on top. Expected. My numbers this morning: FC 2 CC 15 TC 17 TA 190 CH 0 PH 7.5 I didn't do the CYA test as I've read that that test should wait until end or towards the end. Am I...
  13. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    No, no, no.......I don't have it set at waste right now. When I vacuum tomorrow, I will set it to waste. Right now, it's set at recirculate, by-passing the filter per this pool guys advice. Is that okay? Or should it be running through the filter now? I did use your calc and did see that I...
  14. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Hello? Is everyone out using their nice clean clear pools? :lol: I put in roughly 3 gals of the 12.5% chlorine tonight. Water turned cloudy yellow and pump & filter are running. So here we go!!!! I'll test water in morning and post numbers. I'll take pics but not sure right now how I'll...
  15. D

    Oh yeah....another conversion

    Okay folks! Here are my numbers for a 24' round AG pool, 52" deep: (your test kit) FC 0 CC 0 TA 170 PH 7.2 CYA 0 I didn't bother with CH right now, is that ok? The pool guy gave me a 5 gal jug of 12.5% liquid chlorine. Should I use that first before my 6% bleach? And should...