Recent content by colormesummer

  1. C

    Caribbean colored pool liner?

    I haven't posted on here in quite awhile but newly retired & have more time on my hands! We have a 27 ft round aboveground which we've had for about 13 yrs & have replaced the liner once but I really want something not so "blue"(have had the blue swirl) & have been looking for something more of...
  2. C

    What particle size sand for filter?

    It's been quite a few years since we've replaced the sand in our filter & last year the water seemed not as clear so think it's about time to replace it but can't remember what type of sand we used. Is Zeobrite any good?
  3. C

    Where to shop for a non average new liner?

    I haven't posted here in quite awhile but after 9 yrs with the same liner in a 27 ft round abg, due to alot of bleaching out & fireworks spot damage, ready for a new liner. Everywhere I check has the same exact liners, is there anywhere with some more unusual designs..I'm looking for something...
  4. C

    Any reviews for the "Restore" deck & concrete refinish?

    Home Depot carries this product that looks kind of like a Rhino liner for not so good decks & concrete..has anyone here used it & how do you like it?
  5. C

    Out of the ordinary ABG pool liners available?

    Don't know where else to post this so will start here. I'm looking for a more customized abg liner for a 27 ft.x52 in round sees so many of the same kind of boring liners everywhere, seems like someone could make some $$ by introducing a new line of more attractive liners for larger...
  6. C

    What's your current pool temp?

    Our night time temps have been in the 30's..why would I go test my pool temp. It's done til june in our area. :(
  7. C

    What's your current pool temp?

    70. We haven't been over 73 all summer.
  8. C

    cheaper solutions for lighting an above ground pool?

    When we had a 15 ft. round abg we used an aqua illuminator, lit up the area as well as any motel pool, it was around 129.00 I think & came with all the electrical wiring, well worth it. Now we have a 27 ft. round & the light doesn't quite cut it for that size so we are putting in a 2nd light...
  9. C

    Stair step secure....Any thoughts

    We've had the wedding cake steps in our pool (even over the winter) for 5 years with no problem, haven't even had a pad underneath them. I'm almost wishing the liner would tear or something so I could get a different one :)
  10. C

    Anyone Using a Mesh Winter Cover?

    we live in the pnw (wash. state) & drain the pool a few inches below the input holes every fall (& put on a micromesh cover) that traps all the leaves & debris but lets water thru.. i couldnt imagine have to mess with draining off water plus junk from a solid cover in the spring.
  11. C

    What is everyone's occupation/profession?

    RN specifically labor/delivery/postpartum/nsy..also a sideline abstract painter & grower of gunneras:)
  12. C

    Winter mesh cover other than black?

    Our winter leaf/mesh cover (which serves us well here in the PNW where the winters aren't too harsh) has bit the dust after 4 years & I really hate looking out into the yard (we have about 4 acres of open land, partially landscaped) & seeing that ugly black cover for more months of the year than...
  13. C

    To those with oval above ground pools

    Actually I love our 27 ft round pool, I like the consistent diameter being large rather than with alot of the oval pools you may only have a 16 foot width or so. But I can understand property constrictions at the same time, it's not an issue in this case though.
  14. C

    What's your current pool temp?

    we haven't hit over 70 all summer...:( :(
  15. C

    What's your current pool temp?

    low 70's..crappiest summer ever. I'm nearing the end of my 3 week vacation with not 1 pool day in..yeh, I'm a bit irritable.