Recent content by coastalnc

  1. C

    New to TFP - asking for help in recovering from a Muriatic OD!

    Update with today's readings, officially 1 week after adding CYA Ph7.5, FC 7, CC 0, CH 275, TA 60, CYA 30 ...salt mystery continues took 2 readings with aquachek strips, last one was 7.3, or 4885 ppm - which I tend to believe. First test today was 3.2. Maybe I had some bad strips? Anyway...
  2. C

    New to TFP - asking for help in recovering from a Muriatic OD!

    Hi Tim! I am back with some updates. So I added the CYA to target to 40 per your suggestion Saturday night, June 11. The next day I also raised TA to 70 per another's suggestion, by adding baking soda per pool math with an 8000 gallon volume number. I had my pump running for at least 48...
  3. C

    New to TFP - asking for help in recovering from a Muriatic OD!

    Thank you so much for the reply! After reading your instructions for the 25ml chlorine sample test, I didn't know if that meant different reagents, so I performed the 10ml test that I ran earlier today and the same test using a 25ml sample. Later I saw where the multiplier changed, not the...
  4. C

    New to TFP - asking for help in recovering from a Muriatic OD!

    First of all, a very enthusiastic HELLO to all of you wonderful folks at this website! I have been dealing with a water chemistry nightmare and finally after finding this website have decided to take control over my fears and frustrations and try my best to learn as much about maintaining my...