Recent content by chaserot

  1. C

    High CYA, but only cloudy when pump running?

    Good idea. The filter cartridge is brand new, seems to installed right, and I'm pulling it and cleaning it daily. The filter seems like it should be filtering more, it's just not happening - not sure why.
  2. C

    High CYA, but only cloudy when pump running?

    What's the best way to vaccume to waste? As soon as I turn on the filter (with the vaccume hose in the skimmer hole inlet) the pool water re-mixes ...
  3. C

    High CYA, but only cloudy when pump running?

    So, I'm in the process of draining a good portion of my pool which has a CYA # of 100+. I'm using a sump pump and a garden hose, easy process. But, a funny thing happened on the way to draining he pool. I was filtering the pool 18 hours a day thinking this could get rid of my cloudy pool...
  4. C

    Lowering CYA, pool draining help needed

    So ... after spending a few hundred $$ at Lesli's and getting Terrible advice on my green pool (hey, lets put lots of conditioner in ...) I now find my pool with a CYA of 140 (tested by Lesli's this am), cloudy, and the need to lower it asap. It's been properly shocked and the color looks good...