Recent content by canucksdownsouth

  1. C

    New'ish' Pool Owner. Just found a dead squirrel. FREAKING!

    Re: New'ish' Pool Owner. Just found a dead squirrel. FREAKIN Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yep, fished the poor little dude out. I'll get the info/details on our pool for my signature. Truth is...we only just bought this house, it was a repo and we're replacing so much...I have to...
  2. C

    New'ish' Pool Owner. Just found a dead squirrel. FREAKING!

    So...I've put my big girl panties on and no longer have pool maintenance weekly. As of two weeks ago. An hour ago I looked outside and saw...well... what I thought was a dead kitten laying at the bottom. It was a squirrel. Missing it's limbs. I think. I'm so gagged out. I think a hawk got...
  3. C

    About to GAG! How can this BE?!

    I tried the food coloring idea (thanks, guys!) and the food coloring just floated there. No movement at all. I'm still a bit flipped out that it'll get worse. There are a few companies around here that say they can repair it...but matching the color is the problem. My pool guy says it just...
  4. C

    About to GAG! How can this BE?!

    Hi Theresa! I got yours and I LOOOOOOOOOVE it! I was thinking of you tonight as I sat there watching it fill (before noticing the crack) and thought...'Can't wait to post a pic on here to show Theresa'... Now I'm just a ball of anxiety. ONE MORE THING! Urgh! Cheryl
  5. C

    About to GAG! How can this BE?!

    Really?! That's a bit promising...but how will I know? C.
  6. C

    About to GAG! How can this BE?!

    Hey folks...newbie here. Bought a money pit/home last June. Renovated a LOT. In-ground liner pool had a lot of issues ....spillway spa, heater, leaky liner...the list went on. Finally...we couldn't take another hole/leak worry so we JUST replaced the liner yesterday. Beautiful new 'designer...
  7. C

    Crack in step

    I'm sick to my stomach! We JUST replaced our liner...I was sitting on the top step/coping area and watching the water filling it...only about 6 inches to go and it's re-filled - new liner and hoping for no more trouble. I glanced down and saw a 5 inch hairline crack and almost gagged...
  8. C

    Indiana Hill Billy pool dig...with pics!

    Thank you SO much for posting those! That really helps. We actually don't have samples...that's the problem. We only have a brochure. The only samples we have are ones from their regular liner line...not the 'gunite look' line. And because of our darker grey steps and's kind of a...
  9. C

    Indiana Hill Billy pool dig...with pics!

    I followed your posts here and wondered if you could 'throw me a floatie'?! We need to replace our liner and I am AGONIZING over which one to choose. I have actual samples of every liner but the ones I am most interested in...the GLI Designer Series - Genova mostly. We have an in-ground pool...