Recent content by Camels20

  1. C

    High CYA thinking of switching to the BBB

    I had the same problem when I bought a house with a pool. I had to do a drain and fill about 80% of the water. Since then I have been using the BBB method and it has worked out great. I measure levels and add bleach/liquid chlorine daily, and add acid as needed to keep Ph down (High TA causes it...
  2. C

    Bought a house with a pool need some advise

    I did an 80% D+F over the weekend. Much better levels!!! FC-11 (shocking) CC-0 Ph-7.3 CH-250 CYA-<30 My pool is in direct sunlight for 12hrs a day. Should I up the CYA level to the high end of the range i.e. 40ppm?
  3. C

    Bought a house with a pool need some advise

    Thanks for the quick reply. I think I will do a partial drain this weekend.
  4. C

    Bought a house with a pool need some advise

    Hello all, I just bought a house that has an existing 27' above ground pool. I have read thru pool school a few times, and just got my k2006 kit today. Everything seems pretty in line except the CYA. I assume that this is due to the former owner using Trichlor pucks for the last many years. My...
  5. C


    Hello, I am new here. I just bought a house with a pool I never wanted, but now I like. Still trying to figure out the wizardry of pool chemistry, but the pool school area has been super helpful. I am already up to my 3rd test kit, having gone thru the strips and finding I couldn't read them...