Recent content by byersj

  1. byersj

    Long winded SLAM, difficult opening

    Its been a while and this thread didn't generate a who lot of interest but a fair bit has happened and perhaps the issue can get more feedback. The photograph shows the status as of Thursday of last week (July 12). The biggest difference was the addition of Aluminum Sulfate to precipitate the...
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  3. byersj

    Long winded SLAM, difficult opening

    Thank you for the response! I have indeed maintained above 12ppm FC, maintaining an average closer to 15 to make sure when it dips, it doesn't drop below 12. I will attempt to vacuum direct to waste, but I have not seen evidence of particles on the pool floor when I brush. Usually I do when...
  4. byersj

    Long winded SLAM, difficult opening

    So I have a picture of my pool below that was taken on June 19. This was 2 weeks after the initial opening. So some background information, weather here in southern Indiana went from ice and snow in mid-April to torrential rain and flooding in early May As a result, I didn't get to open my pool...
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  7. byersj

    Just wanting to say THANK YOU

    As the weather is beginning to change and I look back at the summer and the hours of enjoyment the swimming pool provided me and my family, I want to reach out to all the contributors to this forum and say "Thank you". I bought a TF100, a speed stir, resolved some circulation issues, bought a...
  8. byersj

    Slight green cloudy tint to water

    It is a liberating feeling to be confident in what to do next instead of going to hear someone else tell you what to do next. I rarely even have to test my pool anymore. I KNOW how much cl loss I have each day. I KNOW how much to add to keep it at its level. I check before and after the weekend...
  9. byersj

    Slight green cloudy tint to water

    okpool, In addition to reading pool school, read others post just like your own in the just getting started section. I posted my own thread back in early April when I was opening a pool alone for the first time. My dad and mom both had them and both fell victim to the pool stores. I decided to...
  10. byersj

    Evaporation and chemical balancing

    Thank you for the information. That is what I expected (CYA to not evaporate) but wanted to clarify. I didn't realize the test may vary that much, but I can understand why it would. Sorry for the long delay on response, was out of town for the long weekend. My dad told me the amount I am...
  11. byersj

    Evaporation and chemical balancing

    I have a question regarding evaporation and CYA balancing. My pool seems to evaporate a significant amount of water. It is in fact in the sun all day. From when I opened the pool I have noticed a gradual reduction in CYA. I have tried to look for leakage, but unsuccessful. This would explain the...
  12. byersj

    Sand coming out of filter?

    Bama, I will do that tonight - pending what I find I will then have to investigate the filter and replace parts as needed. You guys are just too awesome!
  13. byersj

    Sand coming out of filter?

    I have a question regarding sand coming out of the filter and into the pool. I have an awesomely clear pool thanks to following everyone's advice and now that the water is clear I can see every spec of dirt. What my question is about is there seems to be a daily addition of sand to the pool in...
  14. byersj

    New forum member and new to pool

    I will have to post picture tonight, as my work doesn't allow me to access sites like photobucket. I have no cover on the pool yet, and I will need to scrub the ladder I presume, as that has not been done yet. Water temp is a bit cool but this was on purpose so I could learn/open the pool before...
  15. byersj

    New forum member and new to pool

    Thank you for the feedback! My pool has been crystal clear for almost a week yet I still have organic growth consuming chlorine? Is there more information (looked at pool school, etc) for CCs? I like to understand :) Steve