
BBB, Old 30,000 IG Plaster, Pentair 420 Clean and Clear, bleeping SVRS Pentair Intelliflo, 1.5 inch plumbing, H2otsun Solar, H2otsun SWIM PC

Been upgrading with plans to eventually resurface and re plumb


BBB, Old 30,000 IG Plaster, Pentair Clean and Clear, bleeping SVRS Pentair Intelliflo, 1.5 inch plumbing, H2otsun Solar 15' above pump with SWIM PC. Been upgrading as budget allows. Issues: underslab suction side leak, missing odd size skimmer lid, painted surface failing, non functional light, clogged main drain, missing main drain cover, winter loop loc style cover duct tape included, questionable fence surrounding yard. Happy new pool owner