Recent content by brandymac

  1. brandymac

    First time pool owner with some questions on her setup and swamp

    Thanks, everyone - you guys rock! I ran into more issues and am feeling lost: I got pump primed and running. It's been running about 24 hours now. My skimmer does not have any suction. debris just sitting at the top, not going into basket. I checked pump basket and it had worms in it. I have...
  2. brandymac

    First time pool owner with some questions on her setup and swamp

    Thank you so much! I do have only one skimmer. I found some missing plumbing and reattached: I found the baskets and the filter/pump plugs and reinstalled, along with pulling wingnut-type plug out from skimmer. Can someone please help me with which valves should be closed and which should...
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  5. brandymac

    First time pool owner with some questions on her setup and swamp

    Hi, everyone! I bought a home in RI with a 16x34 IG vinyl in January. I am an excited first time pool owner but still feel very intimidated by doing some things alone. I'm not as worried about the chemistry part, as I am of hooking everything up properly ahead of time. Yesterday I pulled the...
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