Recent content by berrebo

  1. B

    Filter Pressure

    Last year the pressure stayed between 16-20 psi. Backwashed at 19-20 and it went back to 16-17 psi. When we opened the pool this year, the gauge was broken. After a new gauge was installed, the pressure is staying around 10 psi. Everything acts normal, good pressure out of the return jets...
  2. B

    TF-100 calcium test question

    How much water does it take to keep the vinyl liner down, what is the minimum safe amount of water? 6"? If I do a 50% refill twice, I'll get 75% of it replaced (diminishing returns)... I need to replace 85% according to the pool calculator. So if I replace 60% twice then I'll get 84%...
  3. B

    TF-100 calcium test question

    Thanks for all the input, I'll work on bringing it down. Looks like I'll be doing a couple of refills... :(
  4. B

    TF-100 calcium test question

    Thanks! So it's more of an issue for the pool surface than the equipment, I see. I was a little concerned about the pump/heater. I appreciate the help!
  5. B

    TF-100 calcium test question

    I've only had the kit for a week or two and I feel pretty comfortable with all the tests except the calcium test. When I add drops (attempting to make solution turn blue) I notice the liquid part turns blue, but I have pink flakes. Do I continue adding drops until everything is undoubtedly...
  6. B

    where the steps meet vinyl

    I've had a pool for about a month, this site has made maintaining it extremely easy so far, Thanks!! I appear to have fiberglass steps going down into my vinyl pool. The caulking between the two seems to be wearing off and I see what appears to be green moss and some black stuff. My CC is .5...
  7. B

    shocking,shocking,shocking - chlorine still low

    It was backwashed right before I started shocking. I'll go get the Wal-mart drops, thanks for all the help!
  8. B

    shocking,shocking,shocking - chlorine still low

    Ok, thank you for the advice, I'll go get some stabilizer. I will purchase some Bleach also. I have a big bucket of tablets, so I'll be using those until they are gone I think. You know, the pool guy said we may need our filter cleaned, could there be enough bugs, etc in there that it may...
  9. B

    shocking,shocking,shocking - chlorine still low

    The water looks clear, had a few leaves in it...overall, looks fine.
  10. B

    shocking,shocking,shocking - chlorine still low

    FC was 0 pH was 7.2 TA was 87 CA was 0 Hardness was 313
  11. B

    shocking,shocking,shocking - chlorine still low

    I took the water in to get tested at the pool store and was told to add 2 lbs of shock. (53% cal-hypo), this is first opening post winter. All other readings were considered normal (except Cyanuric Acid and I was told it would start showing up after a week. Stablizer is in tablets (we put a...