Recent content by bamabreeze

  1. B

    Unlevel Pool

    Concrete blocks were not put under the piers. Would that help? It seems difficult to find people around here to help with above ground pool problems other than new installs.
  2. B

    Unlevel Pool

    We've had our above ground 24 round pool for 6 years now. The past couple of years one side started to sink slightly lower than the others. Now we have two sides sinking and the pool is getting more unlevel. I've read that it shouldn't be more than a 2 inch difference anywhere and so far it's...
  3. B

    Keeping FC in target zone

    First I just have to brag and say that my pool has never been as clean as it is now and as crystal clear since I started the BBB system a few weeks ago. Thanks to everyone here for what you do! I only wish I had found you guys 5 years ago. I have a question that I haven't seen posted...
  4. B

    New to BBB

    Thank you for all your help!
  5. B

    New to BBB

    I've been trying to shock the pool and we've had a lot of rain. I tried the OCLT test last night and had a drop of 2.0 in the FC. Could the heavy rain have had anything to do with the drop? Thanks
  6. B

    New to BBB

    I have the TF100 test kit and I live in southeast Louisiana. I've already removed the hard yellow stuff so I couldn't tell you how it felt. I guess it could have been pollen from earlier this year that I found in the step/ladder joint, but what I found under the steps was not. I plain on...
  7. B

    New to BBB

    I have used Pristine Blue for about 5 or 6 summers now since our pool was installed. Unfortunately my daughter has blond hair and we have suffered through too many summers with green hair. I'd had enough this summer and investigated the true problem since my pool store never wanted to admit...