Recent content by araczynski

  1. A

    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    i have read online that there are some tree root 'panels' that can be put in a trench, they're about 2 feet tall, but can't say i've ever seen them at a hardware store, but then again can't say i've ever had a reason to look for them before either. a trencher does sound like a good idea...
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    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    had some time this weekend to do a little digging, and i think its probably on the safer side to say that its probably roots. ran into a 3/4" root about a foot down in the dirt, pretty much inline with one of the ridges on the pool side. now the problem is what to do about it... how much...
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    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    thanks for all the suggestions/info guys, i'll do some digging around this weekend or sooner and see what i run into.
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    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    sorry didn't reply sooner, was a busy weekend/work day today. the pines (big/tall/old) are about 8 to 10 feet away from the pool. i'll try to shoot a pic tomorrow after work to give an idea. i don't have a problem replacing the liner, so not worried about it drying out or anything. i was...
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    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    seems to be pretty hard, as if roots, haven't tried rolling it out, but only because judging by the hardness when pressing on it with my hand or foot it would take a seriously heavy roller to 'squish'. ridges might as well be cement, they don't budge. its very compressed, even the tiny ones...
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    'Ridges' all over vinyl pool bottom

    I've inherited this above ground pool when we bought the house last january, so I've been working with it for 2 summers now. First summer was a learning experience, made much easier after discovering this forum (Thank you). This summer has been much much easier. Been using mostly regular...
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    toilet fill valve?? i guess you have a built in log flusher in your pool ;) but yeah, probably the autofill-do-not-overfill drain. anyway, looks like you have quite the smorgasbord of features in that setup of yours.
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    nice find, i tried googling last night, but made the mistake of spelling 'quik' properly, and not getting anything useful :)
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    :hammer: DUH :wink: thanks, not sure why those ideas didn't cross my mind
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    have you noticed any water being dumped somewhere when its open? make a quick flush?
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    Thanks for the help guys. I left the hose floating in the pool for about half a day (was ticked off after not getting it to work before) and when i came back this evening after reading your info i tried it again. Noticed the hose was more submerged than before, so not sure whether there was...
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    Pump losing prime when putting vacuum hose to skimmer.

    Per the subject line... I don't recall this happening before. I throw the vacuum hose into the water and do my best to fill the hose itself with as much water as I can before i attach the skimmer adapter and hook it in (manual suction brush) But shortly after the skimmer adapter gets pulled...
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    Droid App - Wrote my Own

    nice, grabbing, hopefully my test kit arrives tomorrow for me to start playing around. :)
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    NOOB: Water shooting up skimmer when shutting down pump.

    It was the ring(s). I replaced the main cover one and the two on the drain plugs and not a bubble/drip in sight. no pressure build up either. Now I have to fight to get rid of the green that formed in the pool with it being off for so long :(
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    NOOB: Water shooting up skimmer when shutting down pump.

    The lid is completely closed, but I'm sure the ring has some damage, as it was apparently left in the unit over winter. In any case, won't hurt to plug up the skimmer/return and open/clean it up just to be sure, before a replacement ring arrives.