Recent content by ap3004

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    CYA questions...Imelda problems 30 days out

    Why not go the liquid CYA route? Immediate application and sold in gallon jugs! Will bring up your CYA immediately, as in as soon as you pour it in!
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    Initial Impressions of the Solar Breeze NX2

    Dallasaggie, good decision....I have had the Solar Breeze version 2 for about 5 years now. It has its shortcomings! It gets stuck all the times when the water is slightly above normal (like now with all this rain). Also with all these clouds it has not been able to charge. I wrote to the CEO...
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    It’s arrived

    I would like to see the option of charging it via a plug. You stated yourself did not charge good the first day due to clouds. Well there needs to be a secondary way to charge this thing if you get consecutive days of clouds. There are a few surface skimmers on the market that allow you to...
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    I have the 2nd version, the NX as well and this is the one that I have picked apart from day 1! I have also sent it back to solar breeze twice for maintenance/repairs and I stand by my observations...The latest software has been added during the maintenance and worn out parts replaced. using it...
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    What I tell ya! Solar Breeze not ready for prime time....Yet!
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    Landscaping around pool

    Yea get synthetic turf, I got some around my pool to replace real turf that never grew well, its great. Only drawback is its price, 5 times the price of real turf or other material but once you have it you will love it!
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    Polaris 93/94/95/9650 Owners Club

    Polaris robots are just as good as the dolphin's. I have both (a 94 and a dolphin triton) and I feel the Polaris cleans better, stronger suction on the vacuum side (my opinion) and the ability to adjust the time its running vs a set time on the dolphin triton. Don't second guess your choice you...
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    Solaskimmer - any experience.

    I sure hope it holds up better than my Solar Breeze did! After only 2 years it started to have problems. The Solar Breeze, in my opinion, is only a fair product. It never cleaned the leaves from the side of the pool (always had to manually skim those), it got stuck in my skimmer openings until I...
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    Don't laugh: water features during freezes

    So last night I step outside in the backyard to check out the snow effects on the pool and everything is running! Waterfall, fountains, everything! I check my controller and sure enuff the freeze control had automatically turned on and started running in freeze protection mode....Nice!
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    Ya know, 700 for another surface skimmer with a 1 year warranty? Naw, thanks anyway. Until the units can clean the leaves off the tile line (none can do that now), until the warranty equals that of submersible robots (they don't), and until they seem more robust, this may be my last surface...
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    So I had to buy a new front motor. They changed the suppliers for some parts and there was a work-around for intergrating this motor to the original wiring harness. While digging around the insides of the solar breeze NX I noticed that some things just are not holding up well in the Texas sun...
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    You are correct sir, the unit is not water proof. It is designed to allow water to enter the pontoon (lower gray half). The working parts are however water proof, that is they can operate in a water environment. The failure, after 1 1/2 years is, in my opinion, an issue. I would imagine that the...
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    New Solar-Breeze questions

    Mine is doing the same thing. On for seconds then stops and get the red light in the center. Called solar breeze and did some trouble shooting. They asked me to turn it over, flip it on and look at both paddles front and rear. On mine only the rear turned. Tech said both should be turning. They...
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    Is my travertine leaching Calcium after Harvey Rain ??

    I'm thinking mineral along the lines of calcium. Here in Austin we had lots of rain and my flagstone wall dripped down some white stuff onto my tiles in a few places. Just took a wet pumice stone to the tile and some of the flagstone mortar and got rid of it.