Recent content by andycam

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    Hayward skimmer for Dual inlet intex pool and pvc hard plumbing

    I need to ask were you got that 90 degree fitting. Been looking have not found one yet
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    Intex vinyl stain from winter.

    Thanks for the reply.
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    Intex vinyl stain from winter.

    I have a stain on the inside about 4 inch wide all the way around my 18 foot Intex about half way up the side from the winter, any ideas on how to get this off. I tryed hot water and a brush but its still there. Maybe Bleach or a power washer?????????? had to fix a leak so the pool is drained.
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    Looking to replace intex return

    looking for a better option. Any ideas.
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    results after 4 days of opening the pool, what should be tweaked

    Cya -59ppm PH - 7.1ppm TA - 100ppm FC - 3ppm CC - .5ppm Salt - 2800ppm 18X48 intex ultra frame SWG about 6400 gal
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    Salt ppm

    I have a 18x48 round intex about 6400 gal, what would be my ideal salt ppm? I do have a SWG ,right now im a 2800ppm.
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    What ones do i need HELP

    Thanks everyone all the info it was very helpfull so i will give it a try again this year, im sure there will be a lot more questions to be asked. But first i need to be a student of pool school.;););)
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    What ones do i need HELP

    well the water was being tested daily when it was being used alot but weekly other wise as for kids yes alot of kids. my test kit i was useing was a cheap one from Wallmart and only tested PH and Chlorine so now i have a K-2006 and i did not use CYA but im guessing i should be buying some. I was...
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    What ones do i need HELP

    it just seamed last year it was not very consistent one day high the next day low on FC. Just thinking if i had the right cocktail of chemicals and which ones i needed it might be easyer to maintain
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    What ones do i need HELP

    With everyone talking about opening there pools, I have been thinking about ditching my swg and going with plain chlorine. So my question is what pool chemicals do i need, I am very new at this and would like to get it right the first and not be running around trying to find pool chemicals. I...
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    Intex SWG GFCI tripping

    Just did it to my brand new sand filter everytime it kicked in with the timer the gfi would trip