Recent content by Amontilado

  1. A

    Does calcium in the water help to condition a pool liner

    Ok folks, Had an algae problem develop when I didn't have the time to devote to our vinyl pool that was needed. The wife took a water sample into the local pool store, and after they ran their test...nothing really surprised me except for the Calcium levels. According to the store...
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    Hayward EC40 DE Filter questions

    Lori, Currently have the EC65 version, and looks like the best advice I can offer is to take it apart. See if the plates that hold the fingers are cracked(my problem), or there is a ripped finger area two. Even the rubber diaphragm that connects the plates to the lid/case assembly may have...
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    What Kind of Grass to use in FL?

    In southern Alabama, we use centipede. Definitely a warm weather grass, though. Does best when the ground warms up in the spring. Steve
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    A sol'n for backwashin the EC series of DE filters

    Folks, Have a Hayward EC-65 de filter. Found it quite annoying that I can't backwash the filter like some, and "bumping" the fitler isn't always effective, so I came up with a method to do some quickie backwashing and cut down the need to break open the filter. I cut in a "T" when an elbow...
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    Hayward Perflex DE filter EC50 leaking from lid area

    Since you didn't specifically say it, did you make sure that the rubber gasket was properly seated in the bottom of the filter, no bits of dirt or anything. How about bits of dirt on the area where the gasket seals on the lid. Mine is, unfortunately different in the respect that I have a bigger...
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    Power requirement/draw for an SWG

    I always try to respect her opinion, especially when it comes to money at that level. We have X dollars coming in, and frankly, sometimes it's too easy to say "buying this little thing won't hurt the budget". It's dealing with that dirty word that we all hate to mention, budget. But that is a...
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    Power requirement/draw for an SWG

    bk406, A re-wiring of the pool shed is one of the things that I want take care of. What I inherited has some "creative engineering" through the years, and there are some thing that I need/want to take care of. I know that an SWG will help greatly taking care of the pool, with my working...
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    Hayward Perflex DE filter EC50 leaking from lid area

    Did you make sure that the rubber gasket the runs between the tube sheets and the case is properly seated at the case. I've done that with my EC65, buttoned it up, had leaks, then had to break the thing down to reseat the gasket. Steve
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    Power requirement/draw for an SWG

    Due to the length of the wire run, there is 10gauge running from the main breaker box in the house, with a 30 amp breaker to the sub-panel in the pool shed. The 3/4 hp pump itself runs off a 20amp 2-pole GFCI breaker. Due to the length of the wire run(but not sitting down and doing the...
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    Power requirement/draw for an SWG

    Folks, I would like to install an SWG with my setup, eventually, but am concerned that I may not have enough available power with the old setup that I inherited. How much power does and SWG draw. I have available 10Gauge lines/30amp breaker running from the main panel to the "pool shed"...
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    DIY Aerator - how to?

    The one I whipped up uses a standard 1 1/2" mail threaded pvc connector from Lowes. Steve
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    Lightning radar

    There are portable sensors that are available that can be programmed to set off an alarm when the lightning is less than XX miles away. Me, being a meteorologist, I look up where the thunderstorms are on any online radar website, with my personal favorite being(there are commercial sites, also)...
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    hayward de filter problems!!!

    With the pump off, unscrew the inspection port/pressure gauge mounting and take a look inside. should tell you how much crud is built up. Steve