Recent content by Alloy25

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    Reuse trisodium phosphate for DE filters

    Yeah it's not expensive. More curiosity. I can water it down so it doesn't kill the grass.
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    Reuse trisodium phosphate for DE filters

    No algae. Just a layer of silt on the bottom. Kept in the shade on the porch. Didn't know if TSP lost its effectiveness after being used for cleaning the filters, or sitting around. Had a batch sitting around for 8 months last year and it didn't develop algae either. Might just soak in the...
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    Reuse trisodium phosphate for DE filters

    I have a cooler that holds my DE filters when I clean them in TSP. Can I reuse the solution or should I mix the new batch? It's about 2 months old.
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    Help with motor replacement and 2 speed upgrade

    Samiguy, which pump did you use? My pump was submerged in a flood 2 years ago. It's noisy, and won't hot start anymore.
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    Supplemental testing strips, high phosphates > 1000, and DE grid question.

    Well pool is in good shape. After neighbors pool guy shocked it, i did it again that night and next morning. The FC held at 3-4ppm after that. Before applying shock, getting the CYA under control, lowering the PH and pulling all the leaves (40 gallons) and algae (10 gallons) out of the pool...
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    Frog eggs?

    T Thanks. Now i have this image burned into my head!!! Thanks for verifying. As of today, they have all formed tails but still stuck in one blob (in a bucket). There is a second batch I pulled out today. Going to release in a local pond soon. The frog is sitting on the fountain rocks...
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    Frog eggs?

    There are several ponds around here. I'll stick them in a bucket and see what happens first.
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    Frog eggs?

    At least they are all clumped together so should be easy.
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    Frog eggs?

    We've had 4 days of rain in Austin. These weren't here previously. Frog eggs?
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    Unscented/regular scent bleach

    Did the generic bleach show the percentage concentration of acid? The generic bleach that was left by the contractor didn't list the concentration (about 15 bottles). It hardly had any smell and i'm real sensitive to the smell of bleach. Though it was about 6 months old. I'm using 10% pool...
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    Baker Hydo main drain grate.

    Thanks for reminding me about the VGA compliant drain cover. I'll start searching.
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    Baker Hydo main drain grate.

    Hello. I'm working on a pool that was built in the mid 70's and it's concrete. The skimmer says Baker Hydro. The grate over the main drain is missing. The drain is rectangular, roughly 30" x 4". The local pool store doesn't have any suggestions and said they can't get this part. I've...
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    Supplemental testing strips, high phosphates > 1000, and DE grid question.

    Yeah he tossed about 5 lbs worth. It is a concrete pool and the CH is a bit low which I forgot until you pointed it out. Hello from GA. I'm actually from Atlanta. In Austin fixing up a house. Off to buy my TF-100 test kit. What else do I need to get $100 and free shipping!
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    Supplemental testing strips, high phosphates > 1000, and DE grid question.

    Well neighbors pool guy threw in 5 lbs of cal hypo while i was inside getting my test kits. Didn't expect him to do that, but it was free.