Recent content by ach0g14

  1. A

    Should SLAM continue with noted readings

    Hi Team TPFC help group, Thank you for helping me bring the pool to TPFC test worthiness. Plan to run through today, test tonight and then take OCLT readings in the morning. FYI: the water is amazingly clear, sparkling, and and just a slight bit of white/gray silt found on steps and parts of...
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    Should SLAM continue with noted readings

    Thank you for so very much for guidance and compliment. The silt disintegrates when brushes; however the material texture is unknown at this time but will be noted during evening brushing. I will return to SLAM level
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    Should SLAM continue with noted readings

    Started TFPC method by SLAM process for pool. The pool water is currently clear. However there is a silty material on steps and floor (began as white/gray, now is a green/yellow) each morning/evening brushing. Should the SLAM process continue with following readings. Thank you so very much...
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    deep end a bit cloudy

    just finished with mustard algae 7 days ago and left with a bit of cloudy water at deep end. water a blue tint and has a white gray silt on steps and pool bottom that is swept each morning. just moved from test strips to TF 100 test kit yesterday. here are the results: FC 5.5 CC 1.0 TC 6.5 PH...
  5. A

    Pool mostly cloudy in deep end

    I am experiencing similar issue with shallow end clear and deep end cloudy with a blue tint. FC 5ppm CC 5 ppm PH 7.2 CH 250 ppm TA 120 ppm CYA 50 ppm Steps appear to have a slight white/gray silt build up over night but easily removed inning. Sides are clean. the pool was treated for mustard...