Recent content by 3pfilms

  1. 3

    You can't argue with proof

    Funny, with the drought earlier this sunmer it seemed that was all I'd been doing. :roll: Thankfully rain has been falling a -little- more regularly. :)
  2. 3

    You can't argue with proof

    [attachment=0:2hd6ng7l]pool.jpg[/attachment:2hd6ng7l] the day after 30 person party. all levels stable and normal. BBB wins.
  3. pool.jpg


  4. 3

    pool is cloudy/greenish..HELP

    You also are low on your chlorine, which is probably why you got an algae bloom. See this link for recommended levels: pool-school/recommended_levels I keep my pool at the upper end of the FC for my CYA level, haven't had a problem yet
  5. 3

    "Slime Green"

    Warren, I used to live in Hilo on Hawai'i. Loved it! Still have friends there. Are you Hilo or Kona (or Kohala) side? OP: you're on the right track, listen to these experts, and soon you'll be annoyed with the BBB method for showing you every speck of debris in your pool.
  6. 3

    Tiny Bubbles - NOT the Don Ho song :)

    Looks like someone stripped the head off of the plug a long time ago, and it's rusted too. I don't dare try to remove it really. I was getting the water through the oring on the lid, which is why I replaced it.
  7. 3

    Tiny Bubbles - NOT the Don Ho song :)

    Kind of what I figured, does filtering efficiency go down too? Any experience with the Hayward Valve? It seams like it way more points of possible leaks than the Jandy one.
  8. 3

    Tiny Bubbles - NOT the Don Ho song :)

    Water level is normal, NO vortex Drain plug is frozen, it's an older pump
  9. 3

    Tiny Bubbles - NOT the Don Ho song :)

    I have bubbles in the basket of my pump. Not big ones, the kind that you have to be within 3 ft of the basket to even see. I've replaced the lid o-ring, and tried the garden hose trick, but to no avail they are still there. There is a main drain and skimmer line, both 1.5 in. They are...
  10. 3

    Backswimmers, Argh. Oh, and Hi!

    Ran at 10ppm for another week with no more signs of them, trying 8ppm now to see how it goes. Thanks! p
  11. 3

    Backswimmers, Argh. Oh, and Hi!

    New here, I've been lurking since I started researching pool maintenance in September of 2011 when we purchased our house with a pool. Glad I've avoided the pitfalls of the pool store advice and have been on the BBB method this year. It's so easy, and my kids think I'm a scientist with my Taylor...