Rash after hot tub (new pool with hot tub)

Thank you !! I can’t reduce FC without fresh water right?
If you have turned the swcg off the fc level will eventually fall. If the spa is covered you can remove that to speed up the process or you can simply mix the pool & spa to dilute the spa’s fc.
This is how it looks on our kids . It’s not a bacteria or something right?
Usually hot tub
folliculitis caused by bacteria will be more prominent where the bathing suit is. So I doubt it.

That looks more like abrasions. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor- just a mom 😁
Maybe the plaster is rough? Kids move around alot more than adults in a spa.
Or they were just itchy from the higher fc & ph so they scratched so now you have scabs (impossible to keep kids from doing that!)
The high chlorine /off ph can contribute to contact dermatitis
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