A Houston Pool Build Inside the Loop

Kim, I have been having to clean out the skimmers almost every day! Good thing I bought those hair nets!

Suz, thanks! Hoping the drift roses will work out. We already had 2 of the planters hanging on the fence, we just had to move them and then for the third hope Buchanan's still had them in stock.

On the fence side, we transplanted the variegated lemon tree, bought a Republic of Texas orange tree, transplanted a Meyer lemon, and replaced our avocado (it was killed by fire ants!) with a Mexican lime. The transplants were from pots so hopefully they'll survive.

We may have to move the leopard plant, the one in the corner with the roundish leaves, more into the shade. We had tried it where it was and thought it okay, but I think when we planted it, we moved it more into the sun. Behind it is a Texas Native Hibicus, which needs more sun, but will be taller than the leopard plant, hence the reason it was put in the front.

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My DH just loves moving plants! LOL!
My mom used to laugh at me saying that I moved plants like most women move furniture!! It's nice to know some men do, too.

I think I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again. I swear by using aspirin water whenever I transplant. I dissolve 1-2 plain, cheap aspirin in a gallon of water. Sprinkle the aspirin water on the leaves, branches, and pour around the base soaking the soil. Larger plants may need 2 gallons. Repeat in 14 days. Can repeat in another 14 days, but I've never remembered or gotten back to it. The plants still did super when others told me the plants wouldn't make it.
I've never seen either plant. I love the Texas Star Hibiscus! The color is great and look at all those buds! Very happy looking!

I'm like you on the fountain grass - not sure. Probably once it's well established, it will look different. And when all is filling in around it, it will look less like a teenager - all arms and legs!! Lol!!!

Sweet Gums? I'm drawing a blank and too lazy to go back in your thread to find their name. Aren't they doing super?!!! That one in the photo has lovely new growth!

How do you ever work in this heat and humidity? I keep telling myself that I can jump in the pool when I get too hot. But I end up just doing the 'jump in the pool' part and not the gardening!!!!
Suz, yes Sweetgums. I hadn't realized how much they have filled out until I saw some of the older pictures in my photobucket account.

We had originally planned on tropical hibiscus, but when we got to Buchanan's these just called my name! You know how that goes!

Too early to call on the Black Stockings, although they looked really neat at the nursery. I really like the grasses so we will see. Still looks like corn stalks to me now!

Marla - who grew up in the Midwest
Trying to catch up, Marla!!

Your landscaping looks beautiful!!! I LOVE IT! I hope to do drift roses as well. I don't at all have a green thumb but I appreciate lovely flowers and plants- I just need someone else to care for them. Lol!
Trying to catch up, Marla!!

Your landscaping looks beautiful!!! I LOVE IT! I hope to do drift roses as well. I don't at all have a green thumb but I appreciate lovely flowers and plants- I just need someone else to care for them. Lol!

Nah, you just need the right plants. That's the key Nini.

Looks great Marla, like the Star. On the grass, sometimes it comes down to how aggressive they are in the out years. Pretty color.

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Thanks Denise and Bmore! Right now I think we are done for the season with landscaping. It's just too darn hot! Like I said before, I like the look of grasses and how they wave with even a slight breeze. We'll see how I feel about the Black Stockings after it gets acclimated.
LOVE all of it! I like that tall grass! The colors look neat! BUT that star flower????? LOVE it best! How neat to have a flower that looks like a star! Hummmmmmm will have to check if they grow good here and maybe put on in the Kindergarten garden!

It looks beautiful Marla! I love how it all came together. That hibiscus just pops! I love the bright color!

I don't at all have a green thumb but I appreciate lovely flowers and plants- I just need someone else to care for them. Lol!

Nah, you just need the right plants. That's the key Nini.

I'm with you Nini! Bmore, what are your suggestions for the black & gray thumbs? Lol

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Thanks TM! We came back from San Diego (visiting our son) and the corn looking plant was laying on the ground. Don't know what happened, but we picked it up and tied it to the gas meter. My other son had been checking on the pool and he said it was that way after a big rain. I think we will probably replace that plant come fall. I'm okay with that. I really liked it at the nursery, but not so much after we got it home.

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We also will need to move the plant with the big round leaves (I think it's a leopard plant) to a shadier spot. It wilts in the sun but then perks up. Another fall project.
We chose not to automate our water feature, thinking how easy it'd be just to turn them on when needed. But, I didn't think this through enough to realize that water now sits in the bowls and I either have to turn them on daily (which I don't) or continually add bleach to them because of the stagnant water.

So, is there any way to add automation after the fact? Any idea of cost? I'm guessing this would require its own pump.

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